Are you Manglik?
A person is said to be a manglik if Mars is posited in his or her horoscope in 12th, 1st, 4th, 7th or 8th house. Some learned include placement of Mars in 2nd house also in the above scheme. This placement of Mars is sometimes seen from Moon and karaka for marriage Venus also. Navamsha chart is also subjected to a similar analysis.
A manglik person who has the above placement of Mars in his or her horoscope may not always carry the ill effects of such a placement called “mangal dosha” It is believed that mangal dosha affects the married life with delays or obstacles in getting married. Even after marriage it is believed that mangal dosha brings mental anguish, financial problems, disputes or even divorce. In certain cases of extreme affliction it may even lead to death of one or both the partners.
These drastic significations of mangal dosha may not affect everyone because the mere placement of Mars in specific houses cannot and will not lead to these agonizing results. The whole picture emerges only after a careful correlation of the birth dashas and the planetary combinations present in the horoscope.
Several combinations can also cancel mangal dosha and hence every manglik will not have mangal dosha in his life.
The best remedy to ensure that a manglik leads a happy and contended married life, consult an able astrologer. He would, with his wisdom, match the horoscopes of the boy and the girl carefully and suggest remedies, if required. Hence do not be afraid if you are a manglik. It may not harm you.
Deepak Kapoor
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