Astrology Article

How to ask a prashna (Question) through Horary Astrology

Prashna or asking a question is an advanced technique of astrology, which is employed in special circumstances and which can throw light under any situation requiring astrological consultation. In a moment of crisis when you need to take an immediate decision, in a business situation that requires prompt action or a personal crisis in which you require guidance as soon as possible. In all these situations and many more, prashna is a tool of immense value.

Our traditional classics on prashna say that one should approach an able astrologer, truthfully and sincerely, without any intention to test or make fun of the astrologer or astrology. A querist must have a strong urge to ask a question to alleviate those anxieties, which are troubling him at that moment.

A querist should go to an astrologer, preferably in the morning, taking some fruits or flowers as his offering, facing or standing in the east direction, praying to God, ask one question which is his foremost anxiety at that moment. In the present era of Internet and distances, there still are certain rules of asking a prashna without which the very basis of prashna gets vitiated and may lead to wrong interpretation and results.

These rules, in brief are:
You must have a strong urge to ask a question pertaining to the worry or anxiety at the moment when you ask the question.
1. You must ask one question, which should be clear and straightforward.
2. The question must not be repeated to the same or any other astrologer until and unless some development has already taken place after the earlier reading and a need for a fresh question has arisen.
3. You must ask a question giving full details of your birth data for the purpose of correlation of your birth chart dasha and influences.
4. Even if you do not have your birth data, astrology through its magical technique of prashna can still help you. Hence you can ask your question stating clearly therein that you do not have your birth data, if that is the case.
5. As the conduct and outcome of a prashna is based on divine blessings, be guided by the reading of an astrologer with faith and humility.

Note: Mr. Deepak Kapoor is a renowned astrologer and author of Internationally acclaimed book “Prashna Shastra – Scientific applications of Horary Astrology” in two volumes.

Deepak Kapoor

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