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Your views on the program Aap Ke Taare on Aaj Tak  
JyotishGuru Forum Index -> Your views on the program Aap Ke Taare on Aaj Tak
Shri Deepak Kapoor analyses your horoscopes on Aapke Taare on Aaj Tak and Delhi Aaj Tak. Share your views and suggestions here.
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   please reply me soon  
View this persons public profile  sajjan paramar   11:10 19 Nov 2007  
    please reply me  
View this persons public profile  sajjan paramar   11:10 19 Nov 2007  
hello sir..

Personal Details...
Name : Sajjansaran D. Parmar
Birth Date: 05 June 1979
Birth Place : Baroda
Birth Time : 08:20 am.

My Quetion is:

Meri Saddi Kab Hogi....?
Meri Life Kab Acchi Tarah Sattle Hogi?
Aur Muje Konsa Grah Ratna (Nang) Pehna Chahiye?
Konse Grah Kharab Hai???

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   Marraige and Professional life  
View this persons public profile  Manisha Shewale   6:17 6 Nov 2007  
   Re: Marraige and Professional life  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   10:00 19 Nov 2007  
View this persons public profile  Meenu Seth   13:50 13 Oct 2007  
   Re: Career  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   10:00 19 Nov 2007  
   My Job possibilities  
View this persons public profile  Indrajit Chakraverty   23:49 1 Oct 2007  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   12:40 25 Sep 2007  
   Is questions answered through this forum  
View this persons public profile  Shravan kumar   1:21 4 Sep 2007  
   Re: Is questions answered through this forum  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   6:30 4 Sep 2007  
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