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Your views on the program Aap Ke Taare on Aaj Tak  
JyotishGuru Forum Index -> Your views on the program Aap Ke Taare on Aaj Tak
Shri Deepak Kapoor analyses your horoscopes on Aapke Taare on Aaj Tak and Delhi Aaj Tak. Share your views and suggestions here.
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Messages 11 to 20 of 22 (Total: 22) First |  Prev |  Next |  Last  
 Subject Author Date  
View this persons public profile  Bhawani Khulbe   9:29 8 Aug 2007  
   Aap ke taare  
View this persons public profile  Moushumi Moitra   2:56 1 Aug 2007  
View this persons public profile  bhavna makkar   8:13 19 Jul 2007  
   Re: career   
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   13:26 19 Jul 2007  
   Re: career   
View this persons public profile  bhavna makkar   1:21 22 Jul 2007  
   Re: career   
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   3:15 23 Jul 2007  
   Settlement, Purchase of New House  
View this persons public profile  SukhvinderSingh Lamba   2:31 9 Jul 2007  
    Prior Intimation - Aap Ke Taare.   
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   10:35 10 Jun 2007  
Respected Sir,

It has come to know that you explained kundli milan in today's Aap Ke Taare programme, if possible if prior intimation on the site will be reflected than there is lesser possibility to miss the show. And your blessings through your teaching will be showered on more and more group members.

with kind regards

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   Dasha pattern  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   0:30 4 Jun 2007  
   know your rashi  
View this persons public profile  Administrator   22:31 31 May 2007  
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