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Experiences of taking astrological consultations  
JyotishGuru Forum Index -> Experiences of taking astrological consultations
How astrology has helped you or changed the course of your destiny. Share your experiences with others and also benefit from other's experiences as well.
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View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   6:20 14 Dec 2006  
View this persons public profile  AK Dhingra   1:20 6 Dec 2006  
    Remedies to support your efforts  
View this persons public profile  sandeep khanna   20:22 3 Dec 2006  
It has been debated as to what is the role of remedies. I can give my views on this. I have consulted astrologers and feel that only those remedies are useful which a person is able to do himself, whether it is in the form of fast, or offering of prayers or daan etc.

Whenever an astrologer suggests remedies to be done by someone else (or the astrologer himself) then there is some selfish motive somewhere.

I feel that whenever I have sincerely performed the remedies, I have been benefited. I don’t have any doubt on the wisdom and truth of knowledge coming to us from generations.

I find that suitable remedies like fasting and offering of prayers to be most forceful in times of distress.

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   astrology changed my destiny  
View this persons public profile  marcel hitt   20:12 3 Dec 2006  
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