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    Advice Required..  
View this persons public profile  Manay Mahaom   8:52 16 Nov 2007  
I am a new user to this site.
Thanks for giving me a chance to get in touch with you in order to get my querries answered.
I have been facing fianacial crunch for quite some time now and it is not getting out from my life.
Please let me know if this would stay thoughout and if it is seasonal when would I be releived from the same.

The next thing which I would Like to know is about my carieer and to know if I have a chance to fly abroad.

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   Re: Advice Required..  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   10:01 19 Nov 2007  
   from rima  
View this persons public profile  Rima G   6:51 24 Oct 2007  
View this persons public profile  Meenu Seth   11:31 14 Oct 2007  
   about marrige  
View this persons public profile  mukesh modi   16:30 10 Oct 2007  
   Re: about marrige  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   6:10 12 Oct 2007  
   Re: about marrige  
View this persons public profile  mukesh modi   10:16 12 Oct 2007  
   Re: about marrige  
View this persons public profile  DEVINDER KUMAR   13:46 12 Oct 2007  
   Re: about marrige  
View this persons public profile  mukesh modi   15:41 17 Oct 2007  
   buisness related  
View this persons public profile  sanjay gupta   15:21 4 Oct 2007  
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